Shipping Game Prototype
This a project that I made in my second year at Falmouth. The game is a working prototype that demonstrates my ability to implement mechanics and custom models using 3 design pillars. The Idea I Settled on was a tower defense game where the player has to listen to incoming audio and use a list of rules to check if the incoming ship was a friendly or enemy.
Find The River
This is a narrative and story-based game I made with Unity. I have used a narrative storytelling plugin called Fungus to craft the story of the game. as well as using the Unity terrain tool. the game is about figuring out why the all of the valleys water has disappeared,
You follow a man called emmet and his diary entries as you progress through the game. The player encounters multiple mysterious objects on their travels all giving them clues to solve the water shortage. The game ends with the player having traversed the map to arrive at the castle that has been taken over and the player must cast a spell to free the valley.
This is the logic tree for the narrative
This is the logic tree for the narrative
Start of the game
Start of the game
Signs in the game let the player choose paths
Signs in the game let the player choose paths
Different Locations (Mysterious Stone)
Different Locations (Mysterious Stone)
Emmet Diary Entry
Emmet Diary Entry
Final Boss Fight
Final Boss Fight
SKateCatz was the first game I made at university I made it using Unity and the game focuses on using the built-in physics engine to create the movement of the skateboard. The project was done as a world diorama but I managed to learn the basics of coding and the engine and some of its tools during this project.
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