Shipping Game Prototype
This a project that I made in my second year at Falmouth. The game is a working prototype that demonstrates my ability to implement mechanics and custom models using 3 design pillars. The Idea I Settled on was a tower defense game where the player has to listen to incoming audio and use a list of rules to check if the incoming ship was a friendly or enemy.
Game Design Document outlining the core game loop as well as aesthetics for the models.
Game Design Document outlining the core game loop as well as aesthetics for the models.
Find The River
This is a narrative and story-based game that I made focusing on the use of a plugin for Unity called fungus. The game follows a man called emmet and his story while the player gets to traverse the game world discovering different characters and making choices as they go.
the game uses the Fungus flowchart to allow the easy creation of different characters and their stories.
skatecatz was the first game i made, it was the project that allowed me to learn the basics of both the Unity engine and its physics engine the game is a small diorama where a cat skates around on a small map.

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